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Join us for some football and fun! Watch the Packers vs. Vikings football game, eat a delicious lunch or early dinner, bid on silent auction items, buy football squares in advance (win up to $1000), and meet and greet/get autographs with Forward Madison soccer players. Maynard from the Madison Mallards will be making a guest appearance!
When: Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019 Where: Sweet Home Wisconsin Bar & Grill 910 Regent Street, Madison, WI *Parking is available across the street from the restaurant Time: 11:00am - 5:00pm (drop in at any time) This event is open to anyone, PAMANA members and non-members.
***Only 18 Football Squares available! (As of 09.10.19) Purchase your square today to have a chance of winning up to $1,000.00!!! (You do not need to be present to win!)
Contact PAMANA president Lynelle Harrison at to purchase a square.
Additional info:
Eat lunch at Sweet Home Wisconsin Bar & Grill. The restaurant is co-owned by Filipino restaurateur Brett Best, son of PAMANA members Gie and Bruce Best. Let's support him by patronizing his restaurant and letting others know about it!
Buy your football squares now! Each football square costs $20 per square. You win based on the score at the end of each quarter (using the last digits of the scores). You can win $200 each for the first, second and third quarter scores, and win $400 for the final game score. You do not need to be present to win. Click here to look at the numbered squares on the grid. Click here for instructions on how to play.
To buy a square (or more squares to increase your chances of winning), you can pay online on PAMANA's website, click here. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please complete the form by filling in your first name, last name, email address, $ amount, donation designation is "other". In the comment section, please enter "Football Squares Payment" and the square number(s) you'd like to purchase. Please pay the appropriate amount, $20 per square times the number of squares you are purchasing. *Please note: If the square you want has already been sold, we will contact you to purchase a different square.
Watch the Packers vs. Vikings football game. Game begins at 12:00pm.
Silent auction begins at 11:00am and ends at 5:00pm. You do not need to be present to win. Some items up for auction are: autographed football from the Packers, autographed basketball from the Milwaukee Bucks, autographed basketball from former Badger basketball player Bronson Koenig, autographed golf flag from Steve Stricker and more. If you win an item, someone will contact you.
Meet and Greet Forward Madison soccer players. Players/Time TBD. Get pictures taken with the players and get their autographs.
Special guest appearance by Maynard from the Madison Mallards. Time TBD.
You can stop by the fundraiser at any time. Seating is based on first come, first served (for lunch or early dinner). However, please RSVP so that we can get a rough estimate on the number of people attending.
Thank you for supporting PAMANA and the Football Frenzy Fundraiser. Proceeds will benefit PAMANA to support ongoing activities and events, with a portion going to Regeneration International, Inc.
Questions? Contact Lynelle Harrison.
Philippine-American Association of Madison and Neighboring Areas, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.
P.O. Box 5013
Madison WI 53705-0013